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The necessity of formulating product standards related to radiation protection clothing

The necessity of formulating product standards related to radiation protection clothing</p 电脑、电磁炉及微波炉等家用电器的广泛普及使电磁辐射的危害日益突出,电磁波污染已成为继空气污染、水污染、噪音污染之后的第四大污染源。随着人们对辐射危害的认识不断加深,防辐射意…

The necessity of formulating product standards related to radiation protection clothing</p


1Hazards of electromagnetic radiation</p

一般来说,日常家用电器的电磁辐射对普通人体的危害不是很大,但是当人体所处环境的电磁辐射强度超过一定限度或产生累积效应时,将对人体健康产生不利影响� �高强度电磁辐射可对人体造成一系列不适反应,尤其对老人、儿童、孕妇和病人等特殊人群危害性更大[1]� In 1998, the World Health Organization listed the five major effects of electromagnetic radiation on the human body: 1) Electromagnetic radiation is the main cause of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer mutations; 2) Electromagnetic radiation causes damage to the human reproductive system, nervous system, and immune system; 3 ) Electromagnetic radiation is a causative factor for miscarriage, infertility, teratology and other diseases in pregnant women; 4) Electromagnetic radiation directly affects children’s development and bone marrow development, leading to vision loss, retinal detachment, and decreased liver hematopoietic function; 5) Electromagnetic radiation can cause sexual Decreased function, female endocrine disorders, menstrual disorders �</p

2 Development of radiation-proof clothing</p

2.1 Radiation-proof fabrics and protection mechanism</p

从20世纪60、70年代开始,科学工作者就开始寻求屏蔽电磁波的良好方法,电磁屏蔽服装也就应运而生[3]� At present, common fabrics that resist electromagnetic radiation mainly include metal wire and clothing yarn blended fabrics, metal fiber and clothing fiber blended fabrics, chemically plated fabrics, metal sprayed fabrics, and multi-ion, multi-element and nanomaterials with higher technological content. and other new material fabrics[4] �</p

金属纤维与常规纤维混纺织物电磁波辐射屏蔽机理主要是利用金属纤维(如银、镍、铜、不锈钢等)或金属化纤维的导电功能� �这些导电性很好的金属对电磁波具有强烈的反射作用和吸收作用� When electromagnetic waves radiate on the fabric, the evenly distributed metal or metallized fibers in the fabric become a conductive medium and reflect part of the electromagnetic waves back, reducing the amount of electromagnetic waves transmitted; at the same time, the electrons in the conductor are induced to form eddy currents under the action of electromagnetic waves. Conduction in the conductor produces a thermal effect, thereby losing electromagnetic waves; some electromagnetic waves enter the interior of the conductor and are exhausted by multiple reflections. �随着织物中导电纤维含量增多,导电性越强,反射能力愈强,涡流形成越多,多重反射增多,电磁波透过量愈小,屏蔽作用也就愈好[5-6]� At present, the more high-end products are clothing made of silver fiber fabrics. Due to the good conductivity of silver fiber, its shielding effect is much better than that of other fibers. However, due to the high price and national restrictions on the use of silver, ordinary working-class families can only It is so far behind that it cannot be popularized on a large scale. �目前电磁屏蔽织物中的金属丝多采用铜、镍、不锈钢纤维,其中不锈钢纤维的制备工艺较为成熟,且价格低廉,其屏蔽效果也相当优秀� �</p

After a certain period of wearing and washing, the surface coating of radiation-proof clothing made by fabric coating technology will gradually fall off, which greatly affects the radiation protection effect. Therefore, it has been eliminated by some large manufacturers; the current best-selling radiation-proof clothing is Made by blending conductive fibers with conventional fibers, this is a world-recognized green and environmentally friendly electromagnetic radiation shielding product. �由于导电纤维相对脆弱,在购买时销售人员会着重强调洗涤说明,即减少清洗次数,并且避免揉搓和长时间化学洗涤剂浸泡,以免影响屏蔽性能� However, many clothes will become dirty after being worn for a period of time, especially if they are dripping with oil or other substances that are not easy to clean. Simply washing and soaking for a short time cannot solve the problem; long-term dirt accumulation on the surface of clothes can easily breed bacteria and microorganisms, which can cause serious problems. Hidden risks to consumers’ health �</p

2.2 Structural design of radiation-proof clothing</p


2.3 Functionality and design aesthetics of protective clothing</p

可根据人们的职业、个人品味及体型的不同来设计防辐射服装,细分消费市场,针对不同的消费群体设计各异��Style. For example, people who are engaged in special operations and urgently need protective measures should be wear-resistant and water-resistant, with thicker fabrics, dark tones and stain-resistant, and workwear-based styles; the design focus of protective clothing for pregnant women can be placed on the upper part of the body, with loose clothes Pleats or laces are used, and embroidery and other crafts are used in some areas to draw people’s attention to the Attract the decorative parts, and consider the body shape changes of pregnant women in various periods, especially in the late pregnancy, to make it as easy as possible to put on and take off; radiation-proof underwear emphasizes soft and comfortable fabrics, and women’s underwear should be as fit as possible to reflect the graceful and graceful figure of women. , children’s and men’s underwear are relatively loose and comfortable. Of course, the design of radiation-proof clothing must also continuously improve the design of clothing from aspects such as thermal insulation, breathability, lightness, and ease of putting on and taking off, so as to increase the comfort of clothing, so that radiation-proof clothing can be recognized by more and more people.

3 Current situation of the radiation-proof clothing market</p

随着生活水平的不断提高,人们对防辐射服装也越来越关注,对防辐射服装需求的增多是当前防辐射产品领域快速发展的重要原因之一� �防辐射服装的种类包括内衣、背心、肚兜、孕妇装、衬衫、马夹等� �随着人们对优生优育的重视,孕妇防辐射服已经广泛普及,几乎每一个孕妇都会选择一件孕妇防辐射服作为保护宝宝的第一道屏障� Radiation-proof clothing currently sold on the market often costs several hundred or even thousands of dollars. Ordinary consumers lack a correct understanding of radiation-proof products. They subjectively believe that the higher the price, the better the quality. The thicker the fabric, the more obvious the radiation-proof effect. The longer the style, the greater the ability to withstand the harm of radiation. I will follow the trend and buy whatever style others buy. I will follow the best-selling brand. As for the radiation protection function of the product, I have no idea what effect it will achieve. �虽然生产厂家和经销商都能拿出检测报告让消费者相信产品的性能,但很少有人认真查看检测报告,而且一般报告中标注的被检样品是面料而非服装� Inspection reports on fabric samples cannot represent the protective function of radiation-proof clothing. Therefore, even if the fabrics used in these radiation-proof clothing have very good anti-electromagnetic radiation performance and can shield more than 99% of electromagnetic wave energy, they will not be made into different styles of clothing. Finally, the true shielding effectiveness is unknown[8] �</p

目前我国只有防辐射性能检测的试验方法标准,相关产品标准的制、修订工作远远没有跟上产业发展的步伐� In order to reduce the harm of electromagnetic radiation to the human body, prevent electromagnetic radiation pollution, protect people’s health, regulate the radiation-proof clothing market, actively guide healthy consumption, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, the formulation of relevant standards for radiation-proof clothing products is of great importance. Practical significance and far-reaching impact �</p

4. Formulation of radiation protection clothing standards</p

目前人们可以检测出防辐射面料的屏蔽性能,但是对面料制成服装后的屏蔽功效的检验存在漏洞� Although the shielding performance of radiation-proof clothing is related to the performance of the fabric, during the production process of clothing, friction, high temperature and other effects will inevitably cause certain changes in the physical properties of the fabric; the exposed area of ​​the clothing will also affect the radiation protection to a certain extent. Effect of radiation: When testing the shielding performance of protective fabrics, the receiving antenna will be shielded by the fabric There are very few reflected and scattered signals, so the anti-radiation effect is excellent; however, since there are openings and gaps in the collars, cuffs, and hems of clothing, the electromagnetic radiation surrounding the human body can easily enter through various openings, which to a certain extent will reduce the shielding effect of clothing, causing a gap between the shielding effectiveness of clothing and the shielding effectiveness of fabrics �因此,有必要尽快制定出一整套完善的防辐射服装屏蔽效果测试的方法和标准,规范检验市场,切实保护消费者的合法权益,提高生产厂商的信用度� �</p

It is recommended that testing and scientific research institutions with the ability to undertake inspections pay full attention to the performance inspection of radiation-proof clothing, try to simulate the real-person test space, and test the human body model in the confined space under certain parameter design conditions such as radiation level, light, temperature and humidity, etc. Put on radiation-proof clothing, use the antenna to emit electromagnetic waves of different intensities, and conduct radiation-proof performance evaluation based on the strength of the received signal placed inside the human body, and obtain the true shielding effect of its radiation-proof clothing [5] �</p

5 Conclusion</p

As concerns about health continue to increase, people’s demand for radiation protection clothing is also increasing. Relevant departments should pay close attention to this, so that the formulation and revision of relevant standards can keep up with the pace of industrial development and better standardize industrial development. Guide healthy consumption �</p

References: </p

[1] Zha Zhenlin, Xu Shunhong, Zhuo Haihua. Harm and protection of electromagnetic radiation to human body [J]. Northern Environment, 2004 (6): 25-28.</ p

[2] He Juan. Research on the performance and function of electromagnetic radiation-proof knitted fabrics [D]. Shanghai: Donghua University, 2009.</p

[3] Liu Guohua, Wang Wenzu. Development of electromagnetic radiation protective fabrics [J]. Industrial Textiles, 2003 (6): 16-18.</p

[4]汪秀琛,张欣.防电磁辐射服装的防护机���[J]. Progress in Textile Science and Technology, 2005 (5): 26-29.

[5] Liu Chang. Research on testing methods for shielding effectiveness of anti-electromagnetic radiation clothing[D]. Beijing: Beijing Jiaotong University, 2009.</p

[6] Wang Xiuchen, Liu Zhe. Mathematical model of shielding effectiveness of anti-electromagnetic radiation clothing [J]. Journal of Textile Science, 2008 (2): 73-75.</p

[7] Lao Yueming. Analysis of the protective performance of radiation-proof maternity clothing and the causes of market hot spots [J]. Journal of Shaoxing University of Arts and Sciences, 2007 (3): 76-78.</ p

(National Cashmere Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center Guo Shanshan)</p

Source: China Textile Network

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Author: clsrich
