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Clothes that automatically adjust their temperature

根据芬兰VTT技术研究中心(VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland)首席科学家Pekka Tuomaala表示,未来的智能服装将会根据穿戴者的实际需要自动调节其温度。 The VTT Technology Research Center released a construction module for this …

根据芬兰VTT技术研究中心(VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland)首席科学家Pekka Tuomaala表示,未来的智能服装将会根据穿戴者的实际需要自动调节其温度。

The VTT Technology Research Center released a construction module for this kind of self-controlling sportswear in November last year: by pumping cold or hot liquids, a network of tiny channels is heat-embossed into a large area of ​​soft material. plastic film �整合于智能服装中的这种微流体通道就像是流经人体各部位的心血管系统一样� �</p

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Dutch researchers develop future smart clothing that can automatically adjust temperature (Source: VTT)</p




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Microfluidic channels can be integrated into smart clothing through temperature-controlled backpacks (Source: VTT)</p


As mentioned by Riikka Holopainen in his doctoral thesis “A human thermal model for improved thermal comfort”, the newly developed model takes into account human thermoregulation and individual thermal sensation and comfort. to account for more realistic interactions, as well as uneven instantaneous heat transfer between the skin surface and the surrounding air and building structure �</p

Undoubtedly, smart fabrics driven by this model require multiple temperature inputs distributed around the wearer’s body, and must also take into account the external temperature and the wearer’s activity level (the human body continuously generates 75W of heat during sleep, and during exercise Generates approximately 100W of heat) �该算法还可为不同个人的身体质量指标进一步优化� �</p

该模型的计算目标在于确定必须加温或冷却功率,使得人们在不同的情况下穿戴智能服装都能保持优化的热感觉� Designing smart fabrics to have both heating and cooling capabilities could allow this wearable technology to find new applications in a number of different consumer groups, including police departments, firefighters, military personnel, outdoor workers, athletes, in-country patients, and baby etc. �</p

“医院的病人经常被问到他们不舒服的体验,而常见的答案就是觉得冷——其次才是疼痛”,VTT首席科学家Pekka Tuomaala解释。

“For example, patients often feel cold after surgery. Body temperature can be adjusted individually. After providing a smart blanket to the patient, it will first confirm the patient’s identity, measure the ambient temperature, and adjust the temperature of the blanket to meet the patient’s actual needs. ”</p

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Experiments in a small laboratory instantly show the impact of heating a small electric heating pad on changes in ambient air temperature (Source: VTT)</p


不过,该实验室尚未建立能够操控这种智能服装的控制讯号,但研究人员们正致力于寻求业界公司的合作,以进一步开发该技术以及使其商用化上市� (International electronic business information)

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Author: clsrich
