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Xiaobeihe Town: A Northeastern town connects the global market with socks

Xiaobeihe Town is known as the “Millennium Ferry, Centennial Ancient Town”. In the early days of reform and opening up, Liaoyang City, the first domestically produced &…

Xiaobeihe Town is known as the “Millennium Ferry, Centennial Ancient Town”. In the early days of reform and opening up, Liaoyang City, the first domestically produced “Chenliang” in New China, was born. Its light textile industry is developed, and many people use local yarn. Raw materials and knitting socks in exchange for money in my free time. Today, the people of Xiaobeihe have spent more than 30 years turning the humble socks on their toes into a big industry, forming a production and sales industrial cluster of a certain scale, making the socks industry a pillar industry that enriches the people and strengthens the town.

Recently, Zhang Zhongchen, Secretary of the Party Committee of Xiaobeihe Town, Liaoyang, Liaoning Province, said in an interview with a reporter from Textile and Apparel Weekly that there are currently 206 sock weaving companies in Xiaobeihe Town and 25,000 computerized looms. More than 20,000 people are employed; the annual output of socks is 2.5 billion pairs. The output of cotton socks ranks second in the country after Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province, with an output value of nearly 3.2 billion yuan; the overall industry scale ranks fourth in the country.

The sock industry in Xiaobeihe Town not only has a large scale, low product prices and good quality, but now it is based on both international and domestic markets with a forward-looking vision and international perspective, and actively integrates into the new dual-cycle development pattern. . According to reports, in Zhejiang Datang National Socks City and Yiwu Small Commodity City, there are more than 100 physical stores selling Xiaobeihe cotton socks. Xiaobeihe socks are also exported to many countries and regions such as South Korea, Japan, and Russia.

A 3.2 billion yuan sock business in a northeastern town

Today, the Xiaobeihe sock industry is driving the Chinese sock industry to achieve a higher level and higher quality development.

In May 2018, Xiaobeihe Sock Art Town was shortlisted for the first batch of 11 provincial-level industrial characteristic town creation units in Liaoning Province; in 2019, for the first time in the form of “Liaoning Xiaobeihe Sock Industry Cluster” It participated in the Canton Fair in spring and autumn and became one of the nine industrial clusters participating in the national exhibition. It received more than 800 foreign merchants and received a total of more than 10 million pairs of foreign orders. In 2020, Xiaobeihe Socks Enterprise participated in the Liaoning International Investment and Trade Fair held by the provincial government and won the title of “Liaoning Brand” enterprise; in 2021, it successfully applied for the title of “China’s Famous Socks Town” industrial cluster and was approved by the China Textile and Apparel Industry Federation. On-site licensing was held at the “Dalian Clothing Expo”, and the popularity and influence of Xiaobeihe socks products at home and abroad are constantly increasing…

The reporter learned that the 206 socks companies in Xiaobeihe Town are relatively concentrated in Xiaobeihe Township and Tongqiwan Village account for nearly 54% of the total. The company mainly produces cotton socks, with an annual output value of about 3.2 billion yuan, profit accounting for about 25%, and annual profits and taxes of about 4 million yuan. 467 trademarks with independent intellectual property rights have been registered by the light industry department. There are currently three companies with outstanding foreign trade export performance, with an export volume of approximately 25 million yuan in 2021. The sales volume sold abroad through traders in Zhuji, Datang and other places in Zhejiang is nearly 500 million yuan.

At present, the leading enterprises in the Xiaobeihe Sock Industry Cluster include Liaoning Muse Socks Co., Ltd., Liaoyang Golden Cotton Socks Co., Ltd., Liaoning Poly Socks, Liaoyang Nana Socks Co., Ltd., etc.

Liaoning Muse Socks Co., Ltd. focuses on transformation and upgrading and invests a large amount of design funds every year. The person in charge of the company insists on building its own brand and implementing brand strategy. Since 2020, it has actively entered the development of Northeast Asia parks and taken the lead in participating in exhibitions such as the “Canton Fair” and Dalian Clothing Expo, leading the Xiaobeihe socks industry to continuously increase its visibility.

Liaoyang Golden Cotton Socks Co., Ltd. and Liaoning Poly Socks are socks companies focusing on foreign trade in Xiaobeihe Town. The two companies are actively exploring the establishment of an “overseas warehouse” model and through the “Belt and Road Initiative” , Central and Eastern Europe freight trains have expanded external sales channels for Xiaobeihe cotton socks.

Liaoyang Nana Socks Industry is a sock enterprise mainly engaged in the production of children’s socks. It is the leading enterprise in the field of children’s socks in the cluster. It has certain competitive advantages in the cluster and even in the country, and creates characteristics for the industrial cluster. It has played a leading role in diversified and differentiated development.

Now, with the completion of the Northeast Asia Light Industry Industrial Base and the Xiaobeihe Sock Art City, the Xiaobeihe sock industry has gradually concentrated from scattered small processing plants to the park, and is accelerating to achieve standardized and intensive development. . With the Sock Art City as a business functional area for centralized exhibition and sales, it is providing multiple service platforms such as wholesale market, warehousing and logistics, inspection and testing, etc. for hosiery companies across the country.

Six major measures to lay out the future of the sock industry

Of course, the current development of the sock industry in Xiaobeihe Town also encounters some problems that need to be solved urgently, such as the lack of sock industry planning; The chain is still not complete and sound; the brand effect is low and the advantages of enterprises entering the park are not obvious. In recent years, it has also faced problems such as artificially high labor costs, which has hindered the development of the hosiery industry.

Talking about the future development direction of Xiaobeihe Socks Industry, Zhang Zhongchen said that in the future, Xiaobeihe Socks Industry will carry out work in the following aspects:

First, start formulating Hosiery industry planning. At present, Xiaobeihe Town is carrying out the bidding procedures in accordance with the preparation fee price approved by the county finance, accelerating the preparation of industrial planning, enriching the functions of the town, and assisting the rapid development of the sock industry.

Second, further increase efforts to attract investment. Aiming at the shortcomings of the industrial chain, we strive to introduce high-quality supporting enterprises such as raw material production and sock machine manufacturing to improve the sock industry chain and reduce production costs. At the same time, focusing on energy conservation, environmental protection, innovation and green development, and relying on scientific and technological progress and technological innovation, we will gradually carry out industrial upgrading and technological transformation. Realize the development of technological, functional and comfortable sock products, and improve the technical content of products and the innovation capabilities of enterprises.

Third�Cultivation of famous brands. Focus on supporting major brands. Sort out the major brands in the town, provide key support, and help improve the brand name, cultivate independent brands, and form a leading brand. Improve product R&D and design capabilities, strive to develop products that can satisfy different consumer groups, create our own unique brand in the market, get rid of dependence on OEM, occupy the sock market more fully, increase product profit margins, and open up the international market. In the process of brand creation, a development mechanism is established with “enterprises as the main body, market as the guide, and the government as the promoter”. Relevant government departments should build a platform for brand building and provide good services; support big brand owners to become stronger and bigger, and merge with scattered players. . Increase policy support. Provide certain policy support in terms of finance, taxation, and finance, and encourage producers and operators to create industrial brands and take the road of brand entrepreneurship.

Fourth, make every effort to accelerate project construction. Promote industrial transformation and upgrading, focusing on the Northeast Asia Light Industry Industrial Base, Northeast Asia Park Industrial Building, Aisuo Smart Air Compressor, Xiaobei River Bridge Renovation, Big Market Renovation, Township Centralized Water Supply, Yixing Business Hotel Phase II, and Nine The construction of key projects worth 100 million yuan such as consistent boarding schools will be completed in 2018. At the same time, infrastructure such as township pipe networks will be improved to create a good business environment for investment promotion and enterprise development.

Fifth, study and formulate more support policies for enterprises entering the park. Focus on highlighting the advantages of entering the park and reducing enterprise production costs. At the same time, enterprises in the park are supported to become bigger and stronger, enhance their core competitiveness in the market, and gradually realize the large-scale, intensive and digital development of the hosiery industry.

Sixth, reduce corporate costs through multiple channels. The first is to study and formulate tax incentives for enterprises that upgrade to regulations to help enterprises upgrade to regulations and enter the unified system as soon as possible and embark on the path of standardized development. The tax department must increase tax collection and severely crack down on corporate tax avoidance. The second is to formulate incentive measures to reward the tax retained at the same level to enterprises that upgrade to standard, reduce the burden on enterprises, and increase the willingness of enterprises to upgrade and return. The third is to introduce surplus labor from mountainous towns and villages to the park after the industrial building of the Northeast Asia Park is completed to reduce the labor costs of enterprises in the park. The fourth is to build a logistics warehouse for the hosiery industry as soon as possible to effectively reduce corporate logistics and express delivery costs.

Strive to reach the “small goal” of 4 billion pairs

Nowadays, the integration of industrialization and industrialization in the textile industry is in full swing, and there are also many companies in the sock industry exploring Internet +. Xiaobeihe socks industry is also making active attempts. According to Zhang Zhongchen, Hongmi Technology Co., Ltd., a Xiaobeihe enterprise, hopes to solve the high logistics costs and return and exchange problems of sock industry enterprises by building Xiaobeihe IP, building an industrial e-commerce platform, and a big data center. Currently, it has passed the county approval The Bureau of Industry and Information Technology reported to the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology and plans to file it with the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology in the near future, and plans to implement it in October this year.

In February 2019, the Liaoning Northeast Asia Light Industry Base project with a total investment of 5 billion yuan built by China 100-year-old Group was settled in Xiaobeihe Town. The project includes standardized factories, customized factories, e-commerce centers, Once completed, the creative R&D center, foreign trade export and logistics warehousing base, sewage treatment, light industrial product printing and dyeing and other industry-related supporting facilities will gather 500 small and medium-sized enterprises to achieve intensive and large-scale development. At present, Baisui Group has reached a preliminary cooperation agreement with Provincial China Unicom Company in the industrial Internet. The company plans to use the wood-colored socks industry as a pilot to install hardware facilities as soon as possible and fully roll out before the end of the year.

In recent years, through vigorous investment promotion work, the construction of the Xiaobeihe Sock Art City project has focused on solving the problem of “there are sock factories but no market” in the Xiaobeihe area, adhering to the principle of “focusing on business and highlighting “Service”, by revitalizing idle assets, and focusing on building business functional areas. It will provide wholesale markets, warehousing logistics, inspection and testing and other service platforms for hosiery enterprises across the country to make up for the lack of development shortcomings of the sock industry in Northeast China.

Facing the “14th Five-Year Plan”, Xiaobeihe socks industry will also open a new chapter. Zhang Zhongchen said that in accordance with the socks industry development requirements of the Liaoyang County Government to “learn from Zhuji and compare with Liaoyuan”, by the end of the “14th Five-Year Plan” period, the Xiaobeihe socks industry equipment and technology will basically reach the domestic advanced level, and the products will be in the international market. The occupancy rate has been greatly increased, and it has been built into a domestically leading, large-scale industrial agglomeration, high level of professional collaboration, complete supporting functions, advanced technology, strong R&D capabilities, wide coverage, and high added value integrating production, R&D, trading, and information. Advanced sock manufacturing base, R&D base and trade center.

By the end of the “14th Five-Year Plan”, there will be more than 300 socks companies in Xiaobeihe, including 50 enterprises above designated size; the output of socks will reach 4 billion pairs, and the output value of the socks industry will reach 5 billion yuan. The upstream and downstream enterprises of the sock industry are gathered here, and the production and operation of the enterprises are healthy and orderly. More than 100 enterprises in all aspects of the sock industry, from R&D and design, spinning, knitting socks, to dyeing and finishing, embroidery, packaging, marketing, etc., form a complete sock industry. chain. The technological innovation capabilities of the sock industry are close to the domestic leading level, large and medium-sized enterprises have basically realized corporate informatization, and key technologies have made progress. The company has successfully applied for a national sock art characteristic town. The function and level of the industrial cluster have been greatly improved. The industrial park has a certain share and competitiveness in the domestic market.

Xiaobeihe China Famous Socks Industry Town is a very distinctive industrial gathering place for the textile and garment industry in Liaoning Province. It has gathered a group of very dynamic sock companies with great development potential. It is believed that in the future development process, Xiaobeihe China’s socks industry Mingzheng will be able to explore branding, digitalization, internationalization, and green development paths, adhere to technological innovation, accelerate talent gathering, enhance market competitiveness, and continue to expand the socks industry. The industry will become better and stronger, making new contributions to local economic development and industry improvement.

During the development process, Xiaobeihe China’s socks industry Mingzheng can continue to optimize the socks industry by exploring branding, digitalization, internationalization, and green development paths, adhering to technological innovation, accelerating talent gathering, improving market competitiveness, and improving market competitiveness. Be stronger and make new contributions to local economic development and industry improvement.


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Author: clsrich
