China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News Yizhou, Guangxi is about to launch a new model of smart sericulture

Yizhou, Guangxi is about to launch a new model of smart sericulture

It is currently the spring silkworm breeding season. In the process of raising silkworms, the breeding of small silkworms is related to the harvest of silkworm cocoons in one seaso…

It is currently the spring silkworm breeding season. In the process of raising silkworms, the breeding of small silkworms is related to the harvest of silkworm cocoons in one season. A few days ago, reporters learned at the Guangxi Xiamu Tianchong Silkworm Industrial Park located in Dacuntun, Liangcun Village, Liu Sanjie Town that an intelligent and automated small silkworm co-breeding base is about to be completed, where small silkworms can enjoy a “nursery”-like experience. growth environment.

In the area that has been built, the reporter saw that silkworm seeds were stacked neatly. The young silkworms here were not eating green mulberry leaves, but food made from mulberry leaves, soybean flour, and corn flour. The silkworms are fed special feed and live in a “high-end suite” equipped with temperature sensors, humidifiers, air conditioners and other facilities. There are also machine “nannies” to feed the silkworms.

An Hui, the person in charge of Yizhou District Zhanmu Tianchong Silkworm Technology Co., Ltd. said: “The base will be connected to the Guangxi sericulture industry data platform, and the data of Guangxi’s sericulture industry can be analyzed through the platform. At the same time, it will also By building a big data center, our big data platform can monitor the temperature, humidity and other parameters of the silkworm rooms in real time through sensors installed in farmers’ homes. Technicians can adjust the temperature of the silkworm rooms in farmers’ homes through the control system and accurately control the indoor temperature. .” Not only that, the big data platform also has functions such as intelligent supervision, expert online Q&A, intelligent early warning, and intelligent assessment.

A modern standard silkworm house in the base covers an area of ​​about three acres. At full capacity, it can raise an average of 500 fourth-instar silkworms a day, and almost 10,000 silkworms a year. The intelligent automated sericulture production line can realize leaf cutting, leaf delivery, leaf feeding, palletizing and other operations, saving more than half of the labor cost and greatly reducing the manpower problem required to raise small silkworms. Only about 15 people are needed in a co-breeding area. staff to manage.

Anhui also told reporters that the demonstration base in Dacuntun will also be equipped with intelligent automated sericulture facilities such as automatic lime spreading machines and mobile silkworm feeding machines, which will be installed and put into use around the end of this month. Next, the base will also actively carry out the application demonstration and promotion of silkworm co-breeding technology to further improve the efficiency and benefits of silkworm rearing by surrounding villagers.

It is understood that co-breeding of small silkworms is a method of raising silkworms in which traditional silkworm farmers raise small silkworms in one place and then distribute them to farmers for raising when they are in the third or fourth instar. At present, intelligent systems can be used to more scientifically raise and manage small silkworms in a centralized manner. Compared with the traditional model, it not only saves labor costs, but also ensures that the small silkworms are well developed and strong, laying a solid foundation for the rearing of large silkworms.


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Author: clsrich
