China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News Haimen Sanxing Town was selected into the first batch of county-level e-commerce industry clusters in Jiangsu Province

Haimen Sanxing Town was selected into the first batch of county-level e-commerce industry clusters in Jiangsu Province

A few days ago, Jiangsu Province released the first batch of 10 county-level e-commerce industry clusters. The Sanxing Town E-commerce Industry Cluster in Haimen District was succe…

A few days ago, Jiangsu Province released the first batch of 10 county-level e-commerce industry clusters. The Sanxing Town E-commerce Industry Cluster in Haimen District was successfully selected and was the only unit in Nantong to be selected.

Samsung Town is a “famous home textile and embroidery town in China”. It is also the national home textile products distribution center, a private economic cluster demonstration zone in Jiangsu Province, and an e-commerce demonstration base in Jiangsu Province. It is an important home textile e-commerce base in Jiangsu and even the whole country. At present, Sanxing Town has formed the core trading area of ​​Dieshiqiao International Home Textile City as the leader. The first and second phases of Dieshiqiao International Home Textile City, Dieshiqiao E-commerce Mall, Jiyoujia Home Furnishing Industry Belt Live Broadcast Base, Dieshiqiao Cross-border E-commerce It is an industrial agglomeration pattern supplemented by the Commercial Industrial Park, Famous Brand Plaza, China Home Textile Brand Cultivation Center, China Home Textile Museum, China Home Textile Trends Museum, China Home Textile Index Release Center, and Dieshiqiao Home Textile R&D and Design Center. Sanxing Town was rated as the Provincial E-commerce Demonstration Base three times in 2017, 2019, and 2021, and Dieshi Village, Zhaoliang Village, and Guangfeng Village were rated as the Provincial Rural E-commerce Demonstration Village.

China Dieshiqiao International Home Textile City is located in Sanxing Town. After nearly 30 years of cultivation and development, the market scale has continued to expand. Now it has a total construction area of ​​1.5 million square meters, with a core trading area and an embroidery city. There are six home textile product business areas: , Boutique Building, Famous Brand Plaza, Home Textile City Phase I and Phase II, Trade City and Fabric Plaza, with more than 20,000 shops and more than 600 series of home textile products. The home textile products of Dieshiqiao Market sell well in more than 200 large and medium-sized cities across the country and are exported to 5 continents and more than 70 countries and regions. The national market share of home textile bedding products reaches 40%, ranking fourth in the national fabric and textile market. Among the nearly 10,000 home textile stores of various types in the Home Textile City, 70% of the stores use e-commerce networks to carry out transactions, ranking first in the country’s professional markets. In 2021, the total online sales of Dieshiqiao home textiles exceeded 55 billion yuan.

Dieshiqiao e-commerce mall was established in early 2015. It is led by the government, supported by relevant policies, and implemented as an enterprise. This project will integrate the e-commerce resources that were spontaneously formed and scattered in the Dieshiqiao market, guide, standardize and serve the Dieshiqiao e-commerce industry, improve and extend the already formed e-commerce industry chain, and create a Dieshiqiao e-commerce industry. business service platform, making the project an incubator for Dieshiqiao home textile e-commerce. At the same time, we will further develop cross-border e-commerce and effectively realize the coordinated and integrated development of offline and online markets through the establishment of a “physical market + online promotion” platform. With the help of e-commerce means, we will establish a physical wholesale market in Dieshiqiao Home Textiles. In addition, create a new industry growth pole.


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Author: clsrich
