China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News What types of fabrics are used for dry cleaning clothing (understand the fabrics used for dry cleaning clothing)

What types of fabrics are used for dry cleaning clothing (understand the fabrics used for dry cleaning clothing)

There are many types of fabrics used for clothing dry cleaning. The following are some common types: 1. Cotton: Cotton fabric is the most common One of the fabrics with good moistu…

There are many types of fabrics used for clothing dry cleaning. The following are some common types:

1. Cotton: Cotton fabric is the most common One of the fabrics with good moisture absorption and breathability. Most cotton fabrics can be cleaned by dry cleaning.

2. Silk: Silk fabric has a noble luster and soft feel, but it is relatively fragile and needs to be handled with care. Special silk fabrics require professional dry cleaning equipment for cleaning.

3. Wool: Wool fabric is often used in winter clothing and has thermal insulation properties. Because wool is prone to losing shape and shrinking, dry cleaning is often required to avoid damage.

4. Linen: Linen fabric has cool and breathable properties, but it is also easy to wrinkle. Some linen fabrics require dry cleaning to maintain their original shape and texture.

5. Synthetic fibers: Synthetic fibers include polyester, nylon, acrylic and other materials. They are wear-resistant and not easy to wrinkle. Most synthetic fabrics can be cleaned by dry cleaning or washing.

6. Leather: Leather fabrics require special care and cleaning methods. Under normal circumstances, leather clothing is not suitable for dry cleaning, and professional leather cleaning methods should be used.

Please note that before cleaning the garment, it is best to check the washing instruction label on the garment to ensure that the appropriate cleaning method is selected correctly.

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Author: clsrich
