China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News Understand the fabrics suitable for different seasons (choose clothing materials suitable for the season)

Understand the fabrics suitable for different seasons (choose clothing materials suitable for the season)

Suitable fabrics will vary in different seasons. The following are some common clothing materials suitable for the season: Spring: The temperature gradually warms up in spring, so …

Suitable fabrics will vary in different seasons. The following are some common clothing materials suitable for the season:

Spring: The temperature gradually warms up in spring, so it is suitable to choose light and breathable fabrics. Cotton, for example, is breathable, moisture-absorbent and comfortable, making it perfect for warm spring weather. In addition, linen and silk are also commonly used fabrics in spring. They have good breathability and moisture absorption.

Summer: Summer is hot, so it is suitable to choose fabrics with good breathability and moisture absorption to help the body dissipate heat and absorb sweat. Cotton is one of the most popular summer fabrics because it keeps skin dry and absorbs sweat effectively. In addition, linen fabrics are also a good choice for summer. Linen fabrics have good breathability and moisture absorption.

Autumn: The weather gradually turns cooler in autumn, so it is suitable to choose fabrics with good warmth retention properties. For example, natural fiber fabrics such as wool and cashmere can provide strong thermal insulation effects. In addition, blended fabrics are also a common choice for autumn. They can combine the properties of multiple fabrics to provide warmth and comfort.

Winter: Winter is cold, so you need to choose fabrics that can provide a strong thermal insulation effect. Wool is one of the most commonly used fabrics in winter because it has great warmth and moisture retention properties. Down jackets are also common clothing in winter. They are filled with feathers and have excellent thermal insulation effect.

In short, when choosing clothing materials suitable for the season, factors such as the breathability, moisture absorption and warmth of the fabric should be considered to ensure that it can be worn comfortably and comfortably in different seasons. Adapt to weather changes.

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Author: clsrich
