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Color selection of British style clothing fabrics (understand the common color combinations of British style clothing fabrics)

Common fabric color combinations for British style clothing include the following: 1. Wool fabrics: Wool fabrics commonly used in British style clothing are usually gray, Mainly bl…

Common fabric color combinations for British style clothing include the following:

1. Wool fabrics: Wool fabrics commonly used in British style clothing are usually gray, Mainly black and dark blue. These neutral tones can show a classic and calm atmosphere, and are very suitable for making British-style jackets, trousers and other items.

2. Tweed (tweed): Tweed is a fabric commonly used in British style. Its matching colors are diverse, and you can choose plaid or square. Or mix and match patterns. Common colors include brown, green, gray, etc. These natural and warm colors can highlight the pastoral atmosphere of the British style.

3. Khaki: Khaki is one of the fabrics commonly used in British style and is also rich in color. In addition to the common khaki color (showing light earthy yellow), you can also choose higher saturation colors such as dark brown and dark green. These colors give people a sense of stability and calmness, which is in line with the characteristics of British style.

4. Suede fabric: Suede fabric is often used to make British-style shoes and accessories, such as suede material with Oxford shoes or suede gloves. wait. Common colors include dark blue, burgundy, brown, etc. These dark colors can create a sense of elegance and tradition.

5. Classical plaid fabric: The classic plaid fabric in British style is diverse and rich in color. The most common one is Scottish plaid, with various colors, such as red, green, blue, etc. In addition, there are Windsor plaid, narrow stripe plaid, etc., and their color choices are also relatively diverse. These plaid fabrics can bring a retro and elegant feel.

In short, the color selection of British-style clothing fabrics can reflect the characteristics of classics and calmness. Gray, black, and dark blue are common neutral tones, while brown, green, red, etc. can add layering and brightness to the fabric. When matching, you also need to choose according to the overall shape and atmosphere to highlight the unique charm of British style.

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Author: clsrich
