China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News How to identify high-quality clothing fabrics (master the secret of identifying high-quality fabrics and choose high-quality clothing)

How to identify high-quality clothing fabrics (master the secret of identifying high-quality fabrics and choose high-quality clothing)

To identify high-quality clothing fabrics, you can pay attention to the following aspects to select high-quality clothing: 1. Fiber raw materials: Understand the characteristics of…

To identify high-quality clothing fabrics, you can pay attention to the following aspects to select high-quality clothing:

1. Fiber raw materials: Understand the characteristics of clothing fabrics The fiber raw material used is key. Natural fibers such as cotton, linen, silk, and wool generally offer good breathability, comfort, and durability. Synthetic fibers such as polyester and nylon are more wear-resistant and softer. Therefore, high-quality fabrics usually use high-quality fiber raw materials.

2. Hand feel and texture: Hand feel is one of the important indicators for judging the quality of fabrics. High-quality fabrics usually have a soft, smooth, silky and comfortable feel. At the same time, observe the texture of the fabric to see if it is even and fine, with no obvious roughness or looseness. Fabrics with a uniform, fine texture tend to be more durable.

3. Fabric weight: Higher quality fabrics are usually heavier. Generally speaking, heavier fabrics have better friction resistance and durability, while fabrics that are too light may be prone to wear or deformation.

4. Color and printing: Observe whether the color of the fabric is uniform and there is no color difference or spots. At the same time, pay attention to the details and quality of printing. Printing on high-quality fabrics should be clear, full, and free of blurring and smearing.

5. Breathability and moisture absorption of fabrics: Breathability and moisture absorption are important factors that determine the comfort of fabrics. Feel the breathability of the fabric by gently blowing on it or holding it close to your skin, and observe whether it absorbs sweat well.

6. Durability of the fabric: Observe the strength and durability of the fabric to see if it is prone to pilling, fluffing, kinking, etc. Higher quality fabrics have good durability and tensile resistance and are not easy to deform and wear.

7. Washing characteristics of fabrics: It is important to understand the washing characteristics of fabrics, especially for home-washed garments. High-quality fabrics usually have better resistance to washing and can maintain color and fiber stability.

In addition to the above aspects, you can also comprehensively judge the quality of fabrics by referring to brand reputation, price factors, fabric labels, etc. In short, the key to choosing high-quality fabrics is to observe, feel and understand the characteristics of the fabric, and make a choice based on personal needs and preferences.

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Author: clsrich
