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Decrypt fabric identification tips (teach you to quickly identify the authenticity of fabrics and avoid shopping traps)

When shopping, it is very important to know how to identify the authenticity of fabrics to avoid purchasing low-quality or fake products. Here are some tips for deciphering fabric …

When shopping, it is very important to know how to identify the authenticity of fabrics to avoid purchasing low-quality or fake products. Here are some tips for deciphering fabric identification to help you quickly identify the authenticity of fabrics and avoid shopping traps:

1. Observe label information: First check Clothing labels. Genuine brand clothing will usually provide detailed fabric composition and washing instructions on the label. If label information is missing or has issues such as spelling errors, that could be a sign of a counterfeit product.

2. Touch and observe the texture of the fabric: Touch the fabric with your hands to feel the texture. Natural fibers are usually soft, breathable, and have a certain weight to them; synthetic fibers are often smooth, soft, but relatively lightweight. If the fabric feels rough, irritates the skin, or has an unusual feel, it may be of low quality.

3. Study texture and gloss: Real fabrics usually have fine texture and moderate gloss. Observe whether there are obvious color differences, uneven weaving or low gloss on the fabric. These may be characteristics of inferior fabrics.

4. Conduct a combustion test: place a small piece of fabric on fire in a safe environment. Natural fibers often burn and create ash, while synthetic fibers can melt or leave a plastic scent. If the fabric melts quickly, smokes, or has a pungent smell, it may be synthetic or low-quality.

5. Check the stitching and buttons: Really high-quality clothing usually has careful attention to every detail, including stitching and buttons. Check that the seams are neat, strong, and match the color of the fabric. Buttons should be strong and durable, without burrs or cracks.

6. Compare prices and brands: If the price of an item is too low and it claims to be from a well-known brand, it is more likely to be a fake. Pay attention to discounts and promotions with low prices, and try to choose a reputable shopping platform or physical store to purchase.

These tips can help you better identify the authenticity of fabrics. However, it should be noted that these methods are not absolutely accurate. A better way is to make judgments based on multiple factors. If you have doubts about a certain brand or product, it is recommended to consult a professional or seek certification and verification from official channels.

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Author: clsrich
