China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News Taking digitalization as the new fulcrum and relying on the three-product special action to leverage the high-quality development of the industry

Taking digitalization as the new fulcrum and relying on the three-product special action to leverage the high-quality development of the industry

Bosideng dominates the screen on Instagram, Weibo, Douyin, and Xiaohongshu; Jiumuwang uses Tencent’s social ecosystem as the main platform to communicate with young consumers to ac…

Bosideng dominates the screen on Instagram, Weibo, Douyin, and Xiaohongshu; Jiumuwang uses Tencent’s social ecosystem as the main platform to communicate with young consumers to achieve efficient communication and precipitation conversion of target customer groups; Li Ning announced the launch of “Boring Ape” fashion sports club series of clothing and opened Boring offline pop-up stores. At the same time, taking advantage of the NFT trend, it integrates popular IP with its own brand… The digital economy wave is booming and coming.

With the trend of continuous upgrading of consumption, digital transformation has entered a superposition stage, and the clothing industry has also entered an inflection point period of digital transformation. Textile and clothing brands have made efforts to seize the spotlight, promote smart transformation and digital transformation, and explore the metaverse. The wonderful world extends, maps and amplifies the value of the virtual world to the real world. How does the digital economy empower the real economy, and how does it promote the textile and apparel industry to realize the “three products” strategy—increasing varieties, improving quality, and creating brands?

Recently, five departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Commerce jointly released the “Action Plan for Digitalization to Support the “Three Products” of the Consumer Goods Industry (2022-2025)” (hereinafter referred to as the “Action Plan”). At the same time, the 2022 “Three Products” national tour lasting three months (activity period from July to September) was officially launched.

Currently, the digital economy is driving the renewal of factor resources, the reset of infrastructure, and the extension of market scenarios at an unprecedented speed, scale, and scope. The release of the “Action Plan” has brought new opportunities for the textile industry to better implement new development concepts, integrate into the new development pattern, and achieve high-quality development of technology, fashion, and green in the new era.

“Going ahead”

Shandong contributes to light textile industry

Since the launch of the “three products” special action for the consumer goods industry, Shandong textile and garment enterprises have actively participated and acted immediately , a large number of new products, new processes, and new technologies have emerged in just a few years, demonstrating with practical actions the enabling role of the “Three Products” special action in the high-quality development of the province’s textile and garment industry.

As the first stop of the 2022 “Three Products” National Tour – “New Light Textile Enjoys Life”, the first event of the 2022 Shandong Province Modern Light Industrial Textiles “Three Products” consumption season, the “Three Products” of Shandong Province’s textile and garment industry A high-end mobile forum was recently held in Jinan. Efforts will be made from the supply side to hold “Oriental Aesthetics Qilu Huashang” – a series of activities on the theme of textile and clothing market expansion; the “Shandong Light Textile Exhibition Hall” display platform will be built to establish and improve the supply chain service system to provide enterprises with display, promotion, Marketing services help companies further expand sales channels, connect with C-side and B-side customers, explore domestic and international markets, and continuously consolidate and increase market share.

Sunbird Group’s brand “Dejin Huafu” appeared at this event. Zhou Jin, the brand’s design director, said that Dejin Huafu is committed to integrating the excellent traditional culture of Shandong, China into the design of Huafu. , the exhibits are divided into Xiangyunsha series, Yunjin series and wedding series. Among them, Dejin’s Xiangyun gauze fabric is dyed with lotus leaves, which is a gift from nature. It is added with Chinese medicine and other materials and has been dyed twenty times. It integrates traditional Chinese culture and applies exquisite tailoring to Xiangyun gauze. Spread Chinese classical aesthetics.

According to reports, the consumer season activities will focus on five major industries such as textiles and clothing, focusing on five major industries including “handmade light textiles, Shandong cultural heritage”, “quality home, good life”, “Oriental aesthetics, Qilu Huashang”, etc. Major themes, focusing on creating 10 iconic theme activities, coordinating and organizing more than 70 special exhibitions and activities, and promoting the effective connection between supply and demand. The activity lasts until the end of this year. By cultivating a group of “three-grade” demonstration enterprises, strengthening a group of “three-grade” demonstration counties (cities, districts), and launching a number of digital “three-grade” typical cases, we will promote the “three-grade” action in Shandong. Reality.

In this regard, Yang Jichao, former vice president of the China Textile and Apparel Industry Federation, expressed the hope that textile and garment enterprises in Shandong Province will cooperate sincerely in variety research and development, strive for excellence in quality improvement, and base their efforts on domestic consumption and international brand building. vision, continuously improve the company’s innovation capabilities, digital design capabilities, digital green collaboration capabilities, quality control capabilities, smart supply chain management capabilities, brand cultivation capabilities and other capabilities, and actively participate in the digital “three products” action to better A more positive force promotes the high-quality development of the textile and garment industry in Shandong Province.

“Go fast”

Digitalization empowers innovation and development

Since the launch of the “three products” special action in the consumer goods industry, the market environment has been further optimized, and the traditional textile and clothing industry has The advantages have been consolidated and improved, the variety richness, quality satisfaction and brand recognition have been significantly improved, and the adaptability of products and services to consumption upgrades has been significantly enhanced.

The China Textile and Apparel Industry Federation has always attached great importance to brand building. Since the establishment of the China Textile and Apparel Industry Federation Brand Work Office in 2012, it has resolutely implemented the principles of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing. The new development concept takes promoting high-quality development as the theme, deepens the supply-side structural reform as the main line, and meets the people’s growing needs for a better life as the fundamental purpose. The following work is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the “Three Products” special action of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology:

First, actively carry out brand research and competitiveness evaluation. Provide direction guidance for brand building. Identify a group of key enterprises to track and cultivate brands; prepare annual brand development reports for the industry; and carry out evaluation and improvement of brand competitiveness. The second is to carry out pilot and demonstration work on creative parks. ���Indispensable method. In terms of implementing the “three products” strategy, there are obvious differences in the concerns and needs of industry enterprises, and the full-scenario and professionalization of digital technology applications is an inevitable trend.

The digital economy promotes the deep integration of manufacturing and services, as well as the deep integration of virtual and physical entities. It is an important force in promoting the collaboration of the industrial chain and promoting systematic innovation in the industry. Sun Ruizhe, President of the China Textile and Apparel Industry Federation, said that the textile and garment industry will improve the industrial ecology and build digitalization into a new fulcrum for coordinated development and collaborative innovation of the industry; improve basic capabilities and build digitalization into a new fulcrum for the stable and healthy development of the industry; broaden Application scenarios will make digitalization a new fulcrum for leveraging the domestic market and smoothing the dual cycle.

During the “14th Five-Year Plan” period, the textile industry will focus on key areas such as chemical fiber, spinning, weaving, non-woven, printing and dyeing, clothing and home textiles to promote the formation of integrated solutions and the integration of full-process intelligent manufacturing technology , build digital and intelligent demonstration workshops or factories, and lay a solid foundation for product renewal, quality improvement and brand forging.

Sun Ruizhe said that the textile and apparel industry should rely on digital technology to open up boundaries, establish efficient collaborative innovation systems and supply chain systems, improve the quality and efficiency of technological innovation and application, product development and supply; and actively carry out intelligent manufacturing Enterprise pilot demonstrations and the selection of outstanding system solution integrators effectively guide the upgrading practice of intelligent manufacturing in the entire industry; actively promote the application of digital technology throughout the supply chain and product life cycle, and continuously expand application scenarios. At the same time, we will continue to improve the level of e-commerce application as an important direction for optimizing supply and demand, deepen e-commerce research and consulting services, carry out special training in areas such as supply chain collaborative innovation for industrial clusters and professional market e-commerce platforms, and actively guide enterprises to orderly Develop new business formats such as content e-commerce and cross-border e-commerce to build a more diversified channel platform for brands.

Only by moving steadily can we achieve great results. Accelerating digital transformation is a strategic choice to seize new opportunities in the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation. It is the only way to achieve the goal of becoming a manufacturing power, and it is also a practical requirement to meet the people’s yearning for a better life. Faced with new changes in the situation, the textile industry will actively promote the implementation of the “Action Plan”, use digitalization as a new fulcrum, leverage the high-quality development of the industry, and achieve new results in the implementation of the “Three Products” strategy, thereby faster realizing the “World Textile Technology” The vision and goal of becoming a major driver, an important leader in global fashion, and a powerful promoter of sustainable development.

Some sources of information: Industry Information WeChat News, Shandong Textile and Garment Industry Association, China Electronic News


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Author: clsrich
