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Diversified breeding in Liaoning promotes high-quality development of sericulture

Mid-July is the season when tussah silkworm eggs are released into the mountains. In Liaoning, about 8 million acres of tussah silkworms grow here every year, turning the green mou…

Mid-July is the season when tussah silkworm eggs are released into the mountains. In Liaoning, about 8 million acres of tussah silkworms grow here every year, turning the green mountains into “golden mountains” and weaving a road to wealth for farmers.

The large-scale breeding of Liaoning tussah silkworms is inseparable from scientific breeding. Over the years, the Liaoning Provincial Sericulture Research Institute has continued to carry out tussah breeding work. Currently, it has preserved 80% of the world’s tussah germplasm resources, and its scientific and technological achievements account for more than 70% of the national tussah scientific and technological achievements. It is the concentrated origin of the world’s tussah scientific and technological achievements. land.

In the 1950s, in order to reverse the backward situation of tussah production in my country at that time, the Liaoning Provincial Sericulture Research Institute used color separation technology to take the lead in selecting the more energetic green silkworms from among farm varieties with mixed traits. my country’s first new tussah variety “Qinghuang No. 1” was bred from the yellow silkworm type, and was promoted and applied together with its sister variety “Qinghuang No. 6”, replacing the traditionally used farm varieties. This also realizes the first update of seeds used for tussah production in my country.

Later, in order to improve the quality of tussah cocoons and increase the efficiency of cocoon silk, the Liaoning Provincial Sericulture Research Institute used the discovered light brown cocoons as breeding materials and used innovative technologies such as fluorescent cocoon selection to use green 6 As a material, the world’s first new tussah white cocoon variety “White Cocoon No. 1” was systematically bred in 1986. The application of this fluorescence identification technology has greatly improved the selection efficiency and significantly shortened the subsequent breeding process of the five white cocoon purebreds.

From the world’s first disease-resistant tussah silkworm variety “Kangbang No. 2” to the new tussah silkworm varieties 8821 and 8822 with stable genetics and high feed efficiency… Liaoning Sericulture Research Institute has always been at the forefront of science At the forefront of breeding, it has achieved five world firsts and four first-of-its-kind research results since its establishment.

Currently, the Liaoning Provincial Sericulture Research Institute is studying to improve the nutritional value of tussah germplasm and continue to provide more technologies and materials for the breeding of silkworms, farmers to increase production and efficiency, and achieve high-quality development of sericulture. support.


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Author: clsrich
