China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News Technology continues to increase, wool spinning enterprises want to contain “new” content but also “gold” content

Technology continues to increase, wool spinning enterprises want to contain “new” content but also “gold” content

June 24, Tianjin. At the 6th World Intelligence Conference with the theme of “New Era of Intelligence: Digital Empowerment to Win the Future”, the staff and volunteers …

June 24, Tianjin. At the 6th World Intelligence Conference with the theme of “New Era of Intelligence: Digital Empowerment to Win the Future”, the staff and volunteers of the organizing committee were dressed in uniforms and were full of enthusiasm and vitality.

These uniforms are made by the conference partner Shandong Nanshan Zhishang Technology Co., Ltd. From wool to yarn, from yarn to fabric, and then from fabric to apparel, Nanshan Zhishang works intensively in the field of textiles and apparel, striving to incorporate elements of technology and innovation. Nanshan Zhishang is moving firmly in the direction of “intelligent weaving” and is committed to becoming an outstanding textile and clothing enterprise in the era of Industry 4.0. It has won high praise from the World Intelligence Conference Organizing Committee.

Nanshan Zhishang is the epitome of the high-quality development of my country’s wool textile enterprises. In recent years, a group of wool spinning companies have continued to make efforts in technological innovation, giving new life to the traditional wool spinning industry.

Technology continues to increase

Inner Mongolia Yiwei White Cashmere Goat Co., Ltd. Etuoke Qianqi Branch is located in Etuoke Qianqi Yiwei White Cashmere Goat Breeding Base Light Control In the cashmere shed, a group of white cashmere goats are breeding “soft gold” in the shed.

The light-controlled cashmere growth shed at this base helps cashmere goats increase the secretion of melatonin in their bodies by controlling the sunshine time during the non-growth period of cashmere, thereby increasing the yield of cashmere and improving the quality of cashmere. , and can produce two crops of cashmere a year.

Such results are achieved by the Etuoke Qianqi Branch of Inner Mongolia Yiwei White Cashmere Goat Co., Ltd. with the help of the Desert Grassland Cashmere Goat Efficient Ecological Breeding Research Demonstration Talent Team and the Inner Mongolia Plateau Cashmere Goat Efficient Breeding Research Fellow Workstation and other scientific and technological innovation forces, and carried out research on traditional white cashmere goat breeding and cashmere increasing technology. By the end of 2021, the total number of purebred white cashmere goats bred by Yiwei has reached more than 3,000. Including the white cashmere goats from surrounding demonstration households, the total number has exceeded 5,000. The cashmere production in 2022 is expected to exceed 8,400 kilograms.

In Zhejiang Xinao Textile Co., Ltd., high-quality cashmere raw materials are processed into various yarns and fabrics, giving cashmere fashion and new life. Since Xinao acquired the cashmere yarn business of Ningxia Zhongyin Cashmere Industry Co., Ltd. in December 2019, it has comprehensively upgraded its production technology and equipment, and established the only high-level engineering technology research center in the Ningxia cashmere industry through the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Science and Technology Department , focusing on the major key and common technical issues in the development of the cashmere industry, carry out the research and development of new technologies, new processes and new products.

“Last year we developed a new yarn technology. Although Italy also has this technology, the yarn price is very high.” Wang Haixia, deputy director of the Xinao Cashmere Engineering Technology Research Center, said that Xin’ao Cashmere has experienced many years of development. With the accumulation and precipitation of technology, the ISO9000 quality assurance system has been established. The cashmere yarn and cashmere products produced have passed the Oeko-TexStandard100 certification of the international environmental protection textile certification center, which can meet the needs of high-end customers.

Since its inception, Consinee Group Co., Ltd. has understood the importance of technological innovation to corporate development. Over the years, Consinee has been committed to technological innovation and innovative R&D. The company’s annual R&D investment accounts for 4.5% of sales revenue. Consinee Group’s high-end cashmere yarn smart factory was selected into the list of “Future Factories” in Zhejiang Province in 2021, becoming one of the 20 “Future Factories” in Zhejiang Province.

In Consinee’s “Future Factory”, robots operate at high speed on the assembly line and can be retracted and retracted freely. With the support of 5G private network technology, the huge intelligent system can automatically complete the entire process operation and quality control from wool selection, feeding, yarn to packaging of finished products. Xue Jingli, chairman of Consinee Group, proudly said, “After the ‘Future Factory’ with the help of digital technology is put into production, Consinee’s production efficiency has increased by 50%, inventory turnover rate has increased by 100%, and delivery cycle has been shortened by 50%. A new breakthrough of three-week delivery.”

Consinee also relies on its accumulation in the fields of cashmere yarn dyeing, spinning and weaving to increase scientific research and participate in the prevention and control of the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic. Yarn scientific research. In just half a year, Consinee has developed anti-viral and antibacterial woolen cashmere yarn with good durability, which can effectively block the invasion of viruses and bacteria.

Talent is the most fundamental

The key to solving core technology problems depends on scientific and technological talents. Wool textile enterprises not only discover, cultivate and cultivate talents in the practice of scientific and technological innovation, but also make good use of, attract and cultivate them, and bring together more first-class talents to participate in the technological innovation work of the wool textile industry.

In order to ensure the first level of cashmere industry quality, the Etuoke Qianqi Branch of Inner Mongolia Yiwei White Cashmere Goat Co., Ltd. continues to promote the research and development of core key technologies for cashmere goats. The company and Inner Mongolia University, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University and other institutions have cooperated to create an integration of industry, research and learning. While realizing the scientific breeding of cashmere goats, it has also cultivated a group of scientific and technological breeding talents.

Ordos Group, which is committed to the sustainable development of the entire cashmere industry chain, also attaches great importance to the cultivation and introduction of talents. At present, the Ordos Cashmere Garment Group’s Cashmere Textile Division has more than 400 scientific and technological talents, including locally trained talents, technical professionals recruited and introduced from all over the country, and postdoctoral workstations, forming a professional talent gathering platform.

On May 12, “Gao Lizhong Technology Innovation Studio” held a meeting at the National Cashmere Products Engineering Technology Research Center in Ordos Modern Cashmere Industrial Park.The center was officially unveiled, which is another exploration of Ordos Group in the dual-pronged approach of talent training and scientific research and innovation. As the first demonstration innovation studio invested by Ordos Cashmere Group, the studio gathers technical personnel, integrates R&D resources, focuses on forward-looking technologies in the industry and key technologies in the park, and focuses on cashmere breeding, cashmere materials and spinning technology. , dyeing and finishing technology, needle and woven process technology and fabric research and development, and 3D needle and woven design technology to carry out research activities. We use this platform to carry out research work such as technological innovation and joint project research, and accelerate the rapid transformation of research results.

In the view of Zhou Guoliang, executive deputy general manager of Nanshan Zhishang Apparel Division, the competition in the manufacturing industry is increasingly dependent on the competition for talents. To seize the opportunity of intelligent manufacturing, talent is the foundation. With the gradual deepening of intelligence in the manufacturing industry, the contradiction that the training of technical and skilled talents cannot keep up with the development needs of enterprises is particularly prominent. In response to this problem, Nanshan Zhishang uses business data to evaluate employees, continuously develops talents with intelligent skills, and accelerates the digital upgrade of vocational training.

In Consinee, every technical staff member with a senior professional title enjoys a monthly allowance of 1,500 yuan. It is the emphasis on talents and technology that allows Consinee to stride forward on the road to intelligence. “Attract high-level talents, and then let them introduce, use and stay.” Xue Jingli believes that enterprise development should increase the intensity of talent introduction and at the same time strengthen the construction of the talent system.

Comprehensive focus on the future

Faced with fierce market competition, companies need to focus on the future, adhere to the innovation drive, and make full efforts in product innovation, talent training and other aspects.

Wang Zhen, President of Ordos Group, said that in the future, Ordos will continue to increase its efforts in terms of technological innovation and talent training, strengthen technological innovation and key technology research, and create a situation where talents can fully demonstrate their abilities and provide continuous Promote technological progress and ecologically sustainable development of the entire industry chain to lay a solid foundation.

“Ordos Group will jointly research and develop low-carbon, emission-reducing new processes, new technologies and zero-discharge industrial wastewater technology with domestic and foreign environmental protection research institutes. Use technology to give unlimited vitality to the cashmere industry, starting from goat science Breeding, cashmere fiber technology, yarn and fabric development and other aspects will be exerted to improve the level of product development, and use technology to interpret the value of cashmere fiber and the possibility of various applications.” Wang Zhen said.

“New materials, artificial intelligence, robots, big data, Internet of Things, intelligent manufacturing…the most cutting-edge technologies in today’s society have quietly entered the field of textiles and clothing, using high and new technologies to transform and enhance the industry. It is becoming a prominent symbol of industry transformation and upgrading. Nanshan Zhishang will create a high-efficiency intelligent manufacturing system and diversified operating strategies to improve corporate production efficiency and meet market demand. Nanshan Zhishang will continue to strengthen the construction of scientific and technological innovation capabilities and promote scientific and technological innovation. Actively promote the industrialization operation of technology, help product upgrades through technological empowerment, and enhance product added value and market competitiveness.” said Zhao Liang, chairman and general manager of Nanshan Zhishang.

Xue Jingli said frankly: “As a national manufacturing champion demonstration enterprise and green factory, Consinee Group must seize the dual-carbon opportunity, use smart technology as the innovation leader, and strive to promote key core Technological research, high-quality promotion of industrial optimization and upgrading, and improvement of the resilience and competitiveness of enterprises. At the same time, technological innovation will be used to generate new development momentum, and the power of talents will be used to gather innovative intelligence and strive to be a model student in industrial development.”

Lu Xiaoming, President of Jiangsu Sunshine Group, said that Jiangsu Sunshine Group should actively embrace digital, intelligent and other technological waves, build core competitiveness in transformation and upgrading, consolidate development advantages, and persist in innovation-driven development. Make full use of the textile standard technology innovation base platform to increase exploration and research on intelligent, green and high-end technologies; adhere to digital transformation to assist development. Deepen the application of digital technology in production, operations, management and marketing; effectively improve production efficiency and energy utilization by building digital workshops.


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Author: clsrich
