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Chongqing Qianjiang increases the added value of sericulture industry and promotes rural revitalization

Soft and delicate silk quilts, fashionable and high-end silk clothes, pleasant-smelling mulberry leaf tea… Recently, reporters saw a variety of end products filling the displ…

Soft and delicate silk quilts, fashionable and high-end silk clothes, pleasant-smelling mulberry leaf tea… Recently, reporters saw a variety of end products filling the display racks in the Sericulture Cultural and Creative Experience Center in Taiji Town, Qianjiang District . Under the guidance of the tour guide, the visiting citizens had an in-depth understanding of the history of mulberry planting and sericulture in Qianjiang and the current development status of the sericulture industry.

In recent years, Qianjiang District has vigorously promoted the integrated development of the “one, two, and three” sericulture and silk industries, gradually forming a complete silk textile and clothing industry chain including mulberry, cocoon, silk reeling, weaving, printing and dyeing.

The key to rural revitalization is industrial revitalization to increase income and become rich in rural areas. As a traditional industry, sericulture still has strong vitality and room for development in the new era. In recent years, Qianjiang District has regarded sericulture as an important starting point to consolidate the results of poverty alleviation and effectively connect rural revitalization, by building a “planting + processing” industrial chain, ” The “Farmers + Enterprises” income-increasing chain and the “Brand + Sales” market chain have achieved new results:

93,000 acres of standardized mulberry gardens have been built, covering 70% of towns and streets, and silkworm cocoon production has ranked first in the city for 11 consecutive years;

The “Qianjiang Tongxiang Silk Industrial Park” and “Shandong Haitong Silk Whole Industry Chain Processing Park” were established;

There are 2 leading enterprises and 9 processing enterprises in the landing base; mulberry planting – – Sericulture – silk reeling – silk – deep processing of sericulture silk industry chain;

More than 5,500 households are raising sericulture, more than 12,000 people are engaged in sericulture production, and the comprehensive income of sericulture farmers is 300 million yuan, driving More than 2,200 people in 586 households have been lifted out of poverty, becoming the main income-increasing industry for 70% of the villages lifted out of poverty;

10,452 acres of mulberry gardens have been built in Jinxi Town, a former municipal-level deep-poverty town, creating a rural revitalization demonstration town;

Haitong Silk’s 2000-thread reeling production line was put into operation, and the second phase of Shuanghe Silk’s 4800-thread reeling production line was put into operation. The entire industry chain has achieved an annual output of more than 500 million yuan.

It is understood that Qianjiang District has been awarded the title of “Advantage Area of ​​Chinese Characteristic Agricultural Products”, “National Sericulture Biological Industry Base”, “China’s Hometown of Sericulture”, “National Geographical Indication of Silkworm Cocoon” and other related titles, and its production of raw silk has reached China’s famous brand products have the same quality and have obtained “organic product certification” and “EU certification”, earning a total of US$12 million in foreign exchange.

In the future, Qianjiang will make the sericulture and silk industry bigger and stronger:

Relying on the superior sericulture resources of Qianjiang, we will promote the integrated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries of sericulture and silk, and create a full sericulture and silk industry chain;

Leverage the leading role of leading enterprises such as Shuanghe Silk and Haitong Silk, carry out industrial chain investment, introduce well-known textile enterprises, and build a complete cocoon silk deep processing system for silk reeling, silk weaving, clothing, and art deep processing. , to create a biological industry cluster integrating silkworm biomedicine, food and beverages, fertilizer (feed) materials, silk fibroin cosmetics and health care product development;

Improve the level of intelligence in the sericulture and silk industry and strengthen intelligence In-depth application of modernization and digital technology in key aspects of enterprise R&D, design, production and manufacturing, and the construction of a number of smart factories and digital workshops;

Make full use of innovations such as the Cocoon Silk Academician Expert Workstation and the Qianjiang Branch of the Chongqing Academy of Silkworm Sciences Platform, build a national agricultural science and technology park, carry out key technological research on sericulture and mulberry planting and breeding, and provide technical support for the entire sericulture and silk industry chain.


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Author: clsrich
