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Yizhou: Optimize and upgrade the industrial chain to promote high-quality development of mulberry cocoon and silk industry

Yizhou District, Hechi City, Guangxi attaches great importance to and supports the development of the mulberry industry. Taking the opportunity to implement the integrated point of…

Yizhou District, Hechi City, Guangxi attaches great importance to and supports the development of the mulberry industry. Taking the opportunity to implement the integrated point of high-quality development and reform of the autonomous region industry (sericulture and silk industry), it actively explores the implementation of intensive, standardized and large-scale mulberry planting. Sericulture mode to improve the quality of silkworm cocoons. By establishing a tertiary industry circulation service mechanism, a “sericulture-purchasing-storage-processing-textile-trade-cultural-creative-derivative” mulberry cocoon silk industry chain integrating the development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries has been formed, and a high-quality development system for the mulberry cocoon silk industry has initially taken shape. . In April 2022, Guangxi’s sericulture industry cluster, with Hechi as the leading city’s Yizhou District as the core area, was selected into the list of national advantageous and characteristic industrial cluster construction.

1. Establish an intensive standardized demonstration park and explore a new model for the industrial development of mulberry planting and sericulture. First, the five-star Guangxi Modern Characteristic Agriculture (Core) Demonstration Zone – Yizhou Liu Sanjie Silkworm Efficient Ecological Industry (Core) Demonstration Zone has been created to explore new models of mulberry planting and silkworm cocoon production, and form a model dominated by mulberry planting and silkworm rearing. industry, taking into account the diversified development pattern such as comprehensive utilization and development of silkworm resources, ecological leisure and tourism. Second, relying on the technical strength of the Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the Guangxi Sericulture Technology Extension Station and Hechi College to promote standardized production technology, we have established integrated soil testing and formulated fertilization, water and fertilizer integration, integrated pest and disease control, and mulberry It is a contiguous sericulture standardized core demonstration base integrating micro-tillage, mechanical farming, mechanical felling and harvesting and other technologies. The third is to innovatively explore the business model of “company + demonstration base + cooperative + farmers” and take the path of new village-enterprise cooperation and joint construction. Promote a modern silkworm breeding mechanism and effectively promote the development of technology, technology and management towards standardization, process and modernization. The efficiency of silkworm feeding and disinfection has been increased by 5 times, the cocoon picking efficiency has been increased by 20 times, and the incidence of sericulture diseases has been reduced from 40% to 40%. Within 5%, the quality of silkworm cocoons in Yizhou District has been improved from 4A to 5A-6A. Through the guidance of the standardized development of 3,276 acres of contiguous mulberry gardens in the demonstration area, it has benefited 556 households and 2,145 local villagers, and radiated the entire Yizhou District to scale up the construction of mulberry gardens, save labor in mulberry breeding, and make the combination of planting and breeding green, realizing the sericulture industry Transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture.

Second, deepen a series of supply-side structural reforms in the processing industry and promote the extension of the industrial chain to the high end. The first is to improve the mechanism for expanding silk fabric production capacity. Promote Yizhou Hengye Silk, Jialian Silk and other leading enterprises to implement weaving technology transformation and capacity expansion projects, encourage mulberry cocoon silk enterprises to add new silk production lines, improve labor productivity and reduce the comprehensive energy consumption of reeling. This year it is expected to increase the number of rapiers With 20 looms, the production capacity is expected to increase by 1.6 million meters. The second is to improve the working mechanism for the completion and commissioning of printing and dyeing projects. Introduce Silk Road Holding Group’s 20 million meters of silk refining, dyeing and printing project to settle in Yizhou, introduce Guihua, Puyin and other mulberry industry projects, and promote the implementation of silk weaving, whitening, dyeing, high-tech digital printing, and clothing entire industry chain projects , filling the gap in Guangxi’s refining, dyeing and printing industry chain. The third is to innovate and promote the quality and upgrading of the home textile industry. Introduced Shenzhen Tongyi Xin Zhongkong Industrial Co., Ltd. to settle in Yizhou to implement the entire silk industry chain project, upgrade home textile technology and equipment, and improve the home textile design system. Jialian Cocoon Silk Company utilizes Hechi City’s mulberry silkworm characteristic resources to develop in the direction of mulberry cocoon silk characteristics, forming an upstream and downstream industrial chain supporting raw material base, silk reeling, weaving, home textiles, silkworm chrysalis food, silk cultural creativity and industrial tourism. The fourth is to innovate the mulberry cocoon and silk resource recycling development model. Support enterprises to increase the production of total alkaloid raw materials from mulberry branches, and the intelligent project of original new drugs based on the raw material utilization of mulberry branches has been planned and approved. At present, 15 enterprises have been developed focusing on the comprehensive development and utilization of sericulture resources such as mulberry branches, silkworm excrement, and cocoons.

3. Promote the dual mechanism of “talent + project” to enhance the innovation level of the silk industry. Yizhou District implements the “talent + project” double recruitment and double introduction model to promote the organic integration of the talent chain with the innovation chain, academic chain, and industrial chain. Highlighting the orientation of “high precision, cutting-edge and lacking specialties”, using the “Hechi Silkworm Industry Talent Small Highland” as the carrier, we will implement a high-level talent introduction and cultivation plan, and introduce domestic sericulture experts to serve in the demonstration area. Currently, 6 sericulture experts have been recruited from sericulture industry institutions, universities and research institutes such as the China Sericulture Society, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, South China Agricultural University, and Guangxi Sericulture Technology Extension Station, and 1 sericulture professional has been recruited. ; Preliminarily reached a long-term technical cooperation agreement with experts from Guangxi University, introduced experts from the silkworm industry to Yizhou to carry out scientific and technological services and technical cooperation, and initially agreed with the Institute of Zoology of Zhejiang University to jointly build the Zhejiang University Yizhou Silkworm Resource Innovation Joint Research and Development Center. Apply for and be approved by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security’s 2022 Expert Service Grassroots Demonstration Group Project – “Guangxi Hechi Silkworm Breed Research Assistance Industry Upgrading Service Project”, with the “Liu Sanjie Silkworm Efficient Ecological Industry (Core) Demonstration Zone (Five-Star)” Level)” as the practice base, and explore and create Hechi public area brands and well-known Chinese silk brands around Guangxi Jialian Silk Co., Ltd.’s home textile terminal brands “Southern Silk Nest” and “Yishaease” to expand brand influence and industry visibility.

Fourth, improve the silkworm and silk service industry system and create a vibrant industrial ecology. Accelerate the construction of the Yizhou ASEAN International Cocoon and Silk Trading Center, and rely on the Internet e-commerce platform and warehousing and logistics center to improve the trading mechanism. At present, the main body of the spot trading center building has been completed, and the trading platform is in the debugging stage. There are already 10 e-commerce companies engaged in Yizhou Cocoon �Silk products are sold online. Actively explore the integrated development mechanism of primary, secondary and tertiary industries of silkworm cocoon and silk, promote the construction of Liu Sanjie Ge Township Pastoral Complex, Songhai Silk Source Pastoral Complex and Silk Industry Tourism Demonstration Base, and form a new integrated and interactive development model of “agriculture + industry + culture + tourism” model. Improve the “government-bank-enterprise” collaboration mechanism, guide financial institutions to increase support for mulberry cocoon silk enterprises, and improve the industry supply chain financial service mechanism. As of now, the balance of mulberry and cocoon silk loans from banking financial institutions in the region is 962 million yuan, an increase of 11.9% from the beginning of the year, and 15 cocoon and silk enterprises have been cultivated above regulations.


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Author: clsrich
