China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News Kuqa: Cotton farmers need to do good field management as high temperatures continue

Kuqa: Cotton farmers need to do good field management as high temperatures continue

From June 27 to July 5, high temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius were common in various towns and villages in Kuqa City. The temperature reached the highest on July 5. The maximu…

From June 27 to July 5, high temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius were common in various towns and villages in Kuqa City. The temperature reached the highest on July 5. The maximum temperature in Kuqa City was 37.0 degrees Celsius, and the highest temperature in Tarim Township was 41.3 degrees Celsius. The maximum temperature in the field at the monitoring point is 39.8 degrees Celsius, and the hot weather is expected to continue until July 6.

Cotton is currently in a critical period for flowering and boll formation. Long-lasting high temperatures during the flowering and boll stage are detrimental to pollination and boll formation, and can easily lead to increased flower bud shedding. In addition, hot weather is conducive to the occurrence and development of insect pests such as cotton aphids and cotton spider mites.

The agricultural meteorological service staff of the Kuqa Meteorological Bureau suggested that cotton farmers should pay close attention to the growth of cotton fields. Based on the characteristics that this year’s cotton growth process is significantly earlier than in previous years, do a good job in scientific control, fertilizer and water management, and monitoring and prevention of pests and diseases. , create a reasonable plant type, and set up a high-yield framework. In particular, we must strengthen field water and fertilizer management to prevent cotton fields from being affected by drought, and reduce or avoid the impact of high temperature heat damage.


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Author: clsrich
