China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News Foreign trade companies took advantage of the situation to expand the market. Keqiao’s export volume reached a new high last year.

Foreign trade companies took advantage of the situation to expand the market. Keqiao’s export volume reached a new high last year.

Recently, reporters learned from relevant departments that last year, the region’s self-operated import and export was approximately 111.18 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of…

Recently, reporters learned from relevant departments that last year, the region’s self-operated import and export was approximately 111.18 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 24.5%, of which exports were approximately 108.85 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 25.9%, and the national share of exports was 5.01‰. Volume and growth rate continue to rank first in the city.

Last year, faced with the severe external situation, many foreign trade companies in Keqiao took advantage of the situation to find new opportunities, smoothed the domestic and international dual cycles, and helped Keqiao’s economy develop a “smile curve.” “We carry out a series of innovations such as refined management, technological improvement, and product upgrades from top to bottom.” Yu Shaobo, general manager of Zhejiang Baofang Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. said that innovation drives development, and they are constantly seeking changes and innovations in new products. Among them A polyester yarn product has improved the process technology and improved the color yield and saturation of the product color. The price has directly increased by 15%, and it is favored by the market.

It is reported that the company was founded in 2002 and is a technological and environmentally friendly printing and dyeing enterprise integrating R&D, production and sales. In the past year, the company also implemented ERP and MES systems to realize traceability management of the entire production process, three-level measurement of machine energy consumption, and scientific plans for energy conservation and carbon reduction, turning digital innovation into ecological and economic benefits. Last year, “Baofang Printing and Dyeing” exported more than 1,800 containers, with an export volume of US$130 million, a year-on-year increase of 12.56%.

The export volume of “Baofang Printing and Dyeing” has reached a new high, which is a microcosm of the vigorous development of foreign trade in our region. In terms of countries and regions, last year, the total number of import and export countries and regions in the region reached 199, including 197 exporting countries and regions, and 138 countries and regions with exports exceeding 10 million yuan. The top three continents in terms of export volume were Asia, Africa, and Latin America. America. From the perspective of industrial structure, the region’s textile exports exceeded 86.2 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 36.1%, accounting for 79.2% of the region’s total exports.

Foreign trade is the key fulcrum for smooth “dual circulation” and the driving force and fundamentals for promoting the high-quality economic development of Keqiao District. In recent years, our region has continuously consolidated its advantages in opening up to the outside world and accelerated its “dance” with the global economy. Under the complex development environment, foreign trade development has shown strong resilience and vitality.

Next, Keqiao District will continue to actively respond to challenges, increase efforts to cultivate foreign trade entities, build more platforms, encourage enterprises to work hard to develop markets, innovate trade models, participate in international cooperation and competition, and from Policies, finance, services and other aspects will create a good environment for the growth of foreign trade entities, and promote the majority of enterprises to actively integrate into the domestic cycle and the domestic and international dual cycles.


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Author: clsrich
